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16 Şubat 2025, Pazar

We are listening CNBLUE songs in Radio Besiktas

We are listening CNBLUE songs in Radio Besiktas

Radio Besiktas and Turkish Boice are performing a first in Turkey. Having a large fans In Asia, Europe and US, CNBLUE’s songs are on air in Radio Besiktas.

In Turkey and from all over the world Radio Besiktas can be listened from and  web pages.

We'll listen to CNBLUE's songs in Radio Beşiktaş!

Every Monday Turkey local time 12:00 PM

Every Friday Turkey local time 8:30 PM

You can listen here: 


Founded under the name of FNC  ENTERTAINMENT, CNBLUE which consists of 4 members: Jung YongHwa, Lee JongHyun, Kang MinHyuk and Lee JungShin debuted in South Korea in 2009. The name of the K-pop band CNBLUE is an abbreviation of CN Code Name and BLUE. Blue, consists of the initials of the profile names represented by each member. CNBLUE Rock and Pop music  has made many succesful projects. Besides being succesful musicians, each of the group members are also an actor.

Let’s get to know the group members:

Jung Yong-hwa

Born on June 22,1989 Seoul, Jung Yong-hwa is a musician, singer, songwrites and actor. The group’s leader Jung Yong-Hwa is the main vocalist, guitarist and songwriter. and E representing Jung Yong-hwa Emotional. He also starred in series of TV Shows including  You're Beautiful, Heartstrings, The Three Musketeers, Marry Him If You Dare.

Kang Min-hyuk

Born 28 June 1991, Dongjak Seoul, Kang Min-hyuk is the vocalist and the drummer of CNBLUE. The meaning of the letter L, represents Kang Min-Hyuk’s LOVELY. He starred in TV shows Kang Min-hyuk, Marital Harmony, Acoustic, Heartstrings Movie, Heartstrings Heart-fluttering One-sided Love 

Lee Jong Hyun

Born in 15 May 1990,  Busan, Lee Jong Hyun is the guitarist and vocal of CNBLUE. B letter of BLUE, represents Burning. He starred in A Gentleman's Dignity, My Only Love Song, Girls's Generation 1979, Orange Marmalade, Evergreen TV shows.

Lee Jung-Shin

Born on September 15,1991 in Ilsan-gu Goyang is the band’s bass player and singer. The meaning of the letter U representing Lee Jung-Shin is Untouchable. He starred in TV Shows  My First Love, My Sassy Girl, Cinderella and Four Knights, Temptation, Blade and Petal, and My Daughter Seo Young.


The name of the Official Turkey fan club BOICE was formed. In many parts of the World BOICE is the name of the largest fan clubs in Turkey which closely follow the upcoming events and the band’s developments about CNBlue.

Latest developments of CNBlue on Turkish groups enabling the fans to be aware of the many upcoming events and activities in Turkey.

The most popular music videos are in Besiktas Media Group Web TV!

Now you can watch the music videos of CNBlue at Besiktas Media Group Web TV at


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Editör: Buğurcan Baştuğ

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